How much is medical cannabis in the UK?

Prices for medical cannabis can range from around £50 to £200 per month, which doesn’t include price of the regular consultations with the doctor. So in total, how much is medical cannabis in the UK?

The cost of UK Medical Cannabis is not currently covered by the NHS, which means paying privately through a clinic.

Expect a premium for your legal bud in the short term, but it can be cost effective over time.

Medical cannabis

Charges to expect for UK Medical Cannabis

Initial Consultation

The cost of an initial consultation with a medical cannabis specialist can range from around £60 to £250, although some doctors may charge more or less.

This fee typically includes a medical assessment and review of medical history to determine eligibility.


Once a patient has been assessed and approved for medical cannabis treatment, they will need to obtain a prescription.

Prices can range from around £50 to £200 per month, depending on the type of product and the dosage required.

Medical cannabis growing

Follow-Up Consultations

Patients who are receiving medical cannabis treatment will typically need to have regular follow-up consultations with their prescribing doctor to monitor their progress and adjust their treatment plan as necessary.

Read about the process for getting medical cannabis in the UK

The cost of these consultations can range from around £50 to £150 per appointment. At first they will be monthly, and then go to every 3 months, but clinics are different.

Additional Costs

In addition to the above costs for medical cannabis, patients may also need to pay for other related expenses such as travel to appointments (although most all seem to be online these days), additional testing or diagnostic procedures, and any other medications or treatments that are required in conjunction with medical cannabis.

Example Costing for Medical Cannabis

So, let’s say you have a consultation with a clinic, and are accepted for medical cannabis. Assuming you then have 10g of flower per month, which is the current minimum, the costing for you will be around:

First stage cost for Medical Cannabis (£145)

  • Consultation with Doctor to discuss treatment – £80
  • 10g of flower – £65

Subsequent months cost for Medical Cannabis (£110)

Until the clinic is satisfied that you’re stable with the medicine, they’ll need to have regular check ins with you. I personally had two of these after my first consultation, and then quickly moved onto the ‘steady state’ costs, with a check in every three months.

  • Monthly consultation with Doctor – £45
  • 10g of flower – £65

Steady state costs for Medical Cannabis (£80 per month plus £65 every 3 months. Average of £102 per month)

  • Repeat prescription fee – £15
  • 10g of flower – £65
  • Every 3 months, consultation with doctor – £65
THC rich medical cannabis

Irradiated Cannabis is common in the medical supply

Project Twenty21

One of the most significant developments in the UK medical cannabis landscape is Project Twenty21.

Launched in 2019, this collaboration between the Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society and Drug Science, aims to provide affordable access to medical cannabis for patients who would otherwise be unable to.

You receive medical cannabis at a significantly reduced cost, and are monitored over a period of two years to assess the effects.

What a time to be alive.


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